Space2BHeard :ogo

Name – Hayley Johnson

Job Title – Volunteer Placement Coordinator
What I do at S2BH – I passionately work with and coordinate all of our volunteer trainee counsellors and psychotherapists during their placement at Valued Minds. This involves welcoming them onto the placement, training them up on the history, process and policies, allocating the clients who refer into the low cost therapy service and who have been assessed by our team of assessors. I am also responsible for being on the look out for funding opportunities within the community that can keep our service running for longer. This includes networking and liaising with various organisations and community groups to learn more about the needs of their service users and how we can collaborate from a mental health support perspective.
What I love about my job – I love being surrounded by therapy and therapists! Personal growth, people choosing to do differently, get support, find their words and build their strength. That’s at the heart of all of it for me! I’m a bit of a social butterfly too, so I love all the parts of my job that keep me in the social mix and part of a team!
Not many people know that I…….can speak several languages (somewhat) fluently! Inc. Dutch, Turkish, Spanish…